Having an almost-two-year-old is quite an adventure. Yes, I am most likely to share tales of fits that include (but are not limited to) screaming, crying, kicking, flailing, and collapsing (have I ever mentioned this child is dramatic???). But the reality is, despite all that, or maybe because of it, we are having so much fun. I feel like I have a little friend to go places with me, adventure with me, laugh with me. She warms my heart every day, and cracks me up. I thought I ought to share some recent stories before they escape my memory.
One week ago, Kinnie and I went exploring. We walked around our neighborhood, and ended up in an open-space area near our house. We were examining ants and cacti, flowers and the creek. I had just picked Kinnie up when I spotted a little garter snake. I have encountered some big bull snakes in the area, and know rattlers are near, too, so my heart skipped a beat while I processed how much danger we were in. Kinnie spotted it too, was curious, and asked that we follow it as it slithered away. I tried to talk to her about snakes, said that this particular one was friendly and that we need to be careful because some snakes are not so friendly. As the snake disappeared under a bush, Kinnie asked to be put down again, and we followed the dirt trail. She began pointing to every stick, and every movement in the grass, and saying "snake." Within two minutes, she came to me with her arms outstretched, and said "Mommy pick you up" (her version of pick me up). I think she over thought my explanation of snakes and decided that the best place to be was off the ground.
Yesterday, we went to a local reservoir to hang out on the "beach." We had been the week before, without the intention of swimming, but yesterday I came prepared with swimsuits and sand toys. When Kinnie realized where we were, the only words she could muster (at a loud volume) were "swimming!" and "are you excited?!" (her version of "I'm excited"). It is so cool that she is verbalizing her emotions.
Today was a day that Kinnie needed to go to daycare so that I could work. I was talking to her about it this morning, telling her that she would be spending the day with Miss Leslie. She said, "pway wif friends." I said yes, and she said "pway wif best friends." It tickled me so that she has best friends. The first, I'm sure, in a series of many.
I am a proud Mama. It is a privilege to watch my child develop, and to understand her world a little better each day. It helps me to feel excited about the little things that I would otherwise overlook. She displays such wonder, such curiosity. I am blessed.