Friday, August 17, 2012


I was just down in the basement, folding a never-ending pile of laundry, when I had an epiphany. I realized that I had no weight on my shoulders. I was thinking about my adventurous day with my 2-year-old, the coming weekend, starting my new job next week... It all felt... simple. Yes, simple. I thought about using the word normal. And then, being the processor that I am, I wondered why I felt so... simple. Is it about the new job? Is it having had a good day (relatively) with my kid?

(See below for the reason for "relatively." I caught the child doing this while I was cooking dinner. At least the permanent marker was on the mirror. Oh, except for the streak on the wall and the leather couch...)

Then, the epiphany. Nothing, in the last 3 or more months, has felt simple. Nothing has felt routine. I was not able to anticipate an average day. And having been in that place, and coming to this place, is amazing.

I am healing well. I walk without crutches or a cane, and usually without a limp. I don't have limitations, other than getting a bit sore at the end of the day. I even "ran" with Kinnie yesterday. It is weird to jog when you haven't done anything of the sort in months.

My heart is swelling with gratitude. I can't describe it better than that.