Kinnie has a cold. This is her third or fourth in her life. Seems like a lot to me, since she's been here for only eight months. This, I think, is the worst so far. Of course, I have probably thought that of each as it has come along. In the infancy of my life as a mother, there is nothing worse than knowing my baby doesn't feel well, and having little to offer for comfort. We were up a couple times last night, which hasn't happened for almost 6 months.
I, too, have a cold. I think I got it from Kinnie- probably when she was "kissing" my nose the first day of her cold. I find myself wondering where she picked it up. I know, babies get sick. Especially babies in any kind of daycare setting.
For me, it begs the question of how sanitary is enough, without going overboard. I think my overall feeling is a bit old-fashioned. I don't have a fancy cover for the shopping cart. She sits in it as I did as a kid, often trying to mouth the metal. If we're out, and she gets irritated, I often hand her my keys, upon which she chews. She has chewed on my cell phone, and the dogs have kissed her on the face- sometimes even catching her open mouth. I don't feel panicked when a stranger touches her hands in saying hello.
You see, I don't want Kinnie to grow up in a bubble, thinking of the dangers that things pose prior to experiencing them. It is not that I don't care. Quite the opposite, in fact. I feel a fierce sense of protection over my child. And, as she grows, I will teach her when there are true dangers present. But, a little dirt? A few germs? I guess I wonder if I panic about these things now, what will I have left when it's time to really panic?
Pick your battles. That's what I think. Now, somebody promise to remind me, when Kinnie is a teenager, that this was my perspective...
Wash your hands first and foremost and don't let her put her mouth on the shopping cart unless you have used one of the clorox wipes that they provide at the front door. Wash the toys that she brings home from daycare, when someone there is sick.
ReplyDeleteYou can't control whether or not she becomes ill honey, but just a few proactive measures will make a difference. If you don't have a good idea who has touched what (speaking of strangers touching tables or carts) I think it is wise to wipe down something she is likely to put in her mouth with a clorox wipe.
If it would gross you out to lick something, that will be a good common sense gauge of what she should not have her mouth on.
You are a wonderful Mama and she is so lucky to have been born to you.
I promise. Do me the same? : )
ReplyDeleteLove you....