It has, once again, been too long. It's not that I feel a lack of inspiration in my life- quite the opposite, in fact. But, the inspiration to write, well, that's another story. My work has been very busy, and on my mind outside of work hours, despite my effort to not let it. I am working on being present with Kinnie every chance I get. She is still, and even more so, a delight.
Last week, we were in Austin, TX, to visit family and to attend a friend's wedding. We drove approximately 15 hours each way, stopping for one night in each direction in the northern part of Texas. Kinnie is a road trip champ. There were only a few meltdowns, which were, generally, easily remedied by a snack or a quick walk.
Many of the views on our drive were monotone. There was mostly flatland, or ever so slightly rolling hills. We drove through modern ghost towns, no doubt hard hit by the downturn in the economy. As we made progress south, the spring green began to infiltrate the otherwise dusty views, and by the time we got to Austin, it seemed an oasis.
We had a lovely reunion with cousins Katy and Armando, who were the inspiration for our move to Mexico two years ago. Armando prepared authentic tortas ahogadas, which Brian and I have craved since we left Mexico 10 months ago. We then joined college friends for the weekend, as one was getting married. There was much fun to be had, especially by Brian, who pretended for one night that he was 21 again, and, I think, is still paying the price.
Austin is a beautiful city. I'll admit, I have a bias about Texas typical of Coloradans. But, I think I could live in Austin. It is clean, outdoorsy, friendly, and perfectly sized. The downtown area is full of life, but not overwhelming. And the Colorado river meanders through the city, wide and calm and providing for innumerable recreational activities. One day, Brian, with Kinnie in the back pack, and I walked for over 5 miles, exploring the city, the botanic gardens, and the river walk. Everything was in bloom, and the temperature was perfect. We were also privy to an Austin specialty- a food trailer park. Literally, multiple trailers (think taco truck) serving a variety of food much more exquisite and diverse than any food court. These are all over the city.
It was sad to say goodbye, and I was eager to get home to my puppy, who had had surgery for what turned out to be a benign tumor. The last night before we got home, we stayed in Childress, which was typical of most quiet towns in northern Texas, though perhaps not so ghost-y. The closet door in our hotel was a full mirror, and Kinnie spent at least an hour, when all was said and done, playing with the baby in the mirror. Thus, the photo of her kissing the mirror baby.
Kinnie is growing so fast, and is nearly mobile. My family has made bets about when she will crawl, and all bets are within the next week. Today will be a day of babyproofing, as things are about to change...