In Kinnie's first 10 months and 21 days, I have managed to only fall into the "She's growing up so fast" mentality on a few occasions. Her growth and development are a joy to watch, and as much fun as each stage is, I feel proud of her, and happy for her, when she discovers some new element of being. The sentimentality did hit me hard a few nights ago, and I sobbed. It hit me, too, several weeks ago, when Bri and I were watching Toy Story 3, in which the boy goes to college. I looked at Brian and said, "Kinnie will never go away to college, right?" Of course, I don't lament the fact that she may go away. If she is anything like us, she'll go far away. If she values the things we value, she'll venture into other cultures and challenge herself. But, in the very deepest part of my heart, I never want to spend a second away from her.
Kinnie is on the move. She is discovering new parts of the house every day. This week, the dogs' toy basket was particularly intriguing to her. I am learning to choose my battles. I figure we have recently washed all the toys in there, so if she pulls those out, it's not so bad. And then she got into the brushes, and I thought that they must be neat to feel. Then, I looked over, and she was chewing on an old beef bone. Eww...
We laugh together, and we cuddle more than ever. Though she was not one to be held a lot when she was younger, now she curls up on me daily. This morning, she fell asleep on me. It warms my heart. And, it makes all the hassle of all these teeth that are growing in totally worth it. She has been almost refusing to eat baby food. Despite the fact that she currently has approximately 2.5 teeth, she much prefers "real" food. When I have a snack, I now have three beggars, instead of only the two usual four-legged suspects. I continue to feel lucky, and blessed, and grateful.
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